I've got a wonderful hubby, whom I love and tend to with great care...and look upon with great admiration.
I've got five amazing daughters, each with their own personalities and thoughts...and each with their own little minds forever asking mommy questions that make her think!
AJ, my biggest baby, is an amazing daughter...and an amazing big sister. She's good at anything she tries....she loves holding her baby sister, and can't wait for a few more years to pass when she can babysit!
AR is my second baby. She's my lil momma...she loves to care for her little sisters, and even her big sister or mom when we're sick! She likes to cook and loves to help clean. She's often seen reading to her three year old sister...
CM is my middle girl. She's all heart...and all spunk. This is an accurate pic of her...b/c she has two speeds....awake and sleeping! she's got two volumes too...loud, or asleep!
C-G is my three year old bundle of joy. She desperately wants to be as big as her sisters...and really wants her little sister to be big enough to play with her!

Miss V is our newest addition. She's learning new things every day...like how to make the bouncy seat toy sing, or how to smile....and laugh. she can roll over, she can grab things, and she's trying hard to sit up...all at eight weeks old! She tips the scales now at 16 pounds (last week) and she's loving every minute of her little happy life!
I'm grateful for this wonderful home God has provided for us...
There is so much...soooo much that I am thankful for....one just can't imagine!
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