this post is specifically for my friend over at of a closet...and lots of girl clothes!

i have a space bag for each size clothing...and the sizes are written on the bags.

in the hall is the little closet, which has the attic access. i use it for storage rather than closet space.

each bag goes on the floor...and that way dh can get into the attic without too much work!
the closet:
we have this little room, that was a bedroom at one time...but is now the family closet...or the girl's closet anyway.

here you see on the far left the shelves of diapers...most of which are being washed now! in the middle is Miss V's dresser...bibs, burb cloths, clothes, jammies, and blankies all in there. on the right you see miss v's dirty clothes is her laundry day!

here you see miss v in the crib to the crib is the diaper pail, behind it is the baby gate. :)

here you see the other two dressers. the one on the right is for AR and C-G...the top two drawers for the bigger girl...on the right of that dresser is CM's dirty clothes basket. the dresser on the left is for AJ and CM...and the top most drawer holds hairbrushes, combs, and headbands.

here you see, from left to right, C-G's basket, then AR, then AJ in the back corner. each girl has their own laundry day...and they wash their own clothes. the two big girls help the two smaller girls..and mommy does miss v's laundry.

here you see miss v's dirty basket again, and more importantly, the shoe shelf. in theory, we don't lose shoes this way!

here you see my hanging rods...on the bottom rod is clothing for the two little girls who can dress themselves. but it's only their "good" playclothes...their church clothes go up high! not sure if you can see this, but the hangers are color coded. on the far left is white hangers...that's miss v's clothes. red for c-g, purple for cm, blue for ar, and yellow for aj.
hope this helps ya out my friend!
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