for some reason i don't have a pic of the three year old at her table...but each girl has her own table to work at, and they are each sitting somewhere in the living room, where i can keep my eye on them...
each girl has her own backpack, which cm happily models for you. :) they keep their own pencil boxes, their workbooks,and notebooks/binders in their well as markers and a coloring book for when we are out and they need something to do. lol.
each girl that doesn't do SOS has a computer program as part of her school work as well. that is the only part not in the living room, as the childrens computer is in the dining room. however, with how i've arranged the furniture, i can see them from the love seat, and that allows me to keep track. :)
this is the "school cabinet". it houses my dry erase markers, stickers, and extra workbooks, as well as colors and colored pencils, and coloring books for when school is done. it also has a box of scissors and glue and things of that nature.
when the little girls are done with their work, they have a little box of toys that they play with...we rotate the toys about once a week so they don't get bored. ;) when AR is done with her work, she and the little girls go to their room to play while AJ finishes her work.
this covers how we do things...i think. but i'd love to hear what you think...and how you do school!
Looks like you're very organized, but flexible. I have trouble finding a happy medium. It seems like I'm either rigidly structured, and when I try to give an inch the whole thing just falls apart! We just quit our homeschool co-op because I was losing my mind trying to fit in everything we do on the same day that we have Bible study, co-op, and church. I think I'll do an upcoming hs post, too. I like seeing all the different ways to accomplish the same thing.
thanks. :) it's organized out of necessity. we don't do any type of co op or anything b/c it's just too much for me right now. in this season of my life, i've discovered that what my girls really need is to be home learning, not in classes or co ops of it's working for now. :) one day i'll do a post about my need for schedules...and how many we have! haha.
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