Welcome! I'm so glad you came by
today...enjoy...and the girls say hey! ;)

Thursday, September 30, 2010

yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

We'll start with yesterday. it was a whirlwind of "holy cow am i still alive?", know what i mean? started with taking ar to the doctor for an 8:30 am appointment. we didn't leave the dr. office until 10. oh yeah. 10. that was half an hour south of where we live..and our pharmacy is north of us by about 10 minutes. so we drove to the pharmacy, and half and hour later, finally got the cream for her ears. (doc says her ears have the "opposite of eczema". nothing to worry about). so we get the prescription, then it's time for lunch. ran to micky d's b/c there were 6 of us hungry! oh yeah...evidently mickey d's now has some cross contamination issues...and i was sick before i got home. so when i was better, we got back into the van to go shopping..first the health food store, then the dollar store, then the grocery. however, i got the stuff at the hfs, and was sick again...had to rush home. never did make it to the grocery! TWO hours later, we went to the dollar store. didn't have time for the grocery...had to be at church for awana!

long day.

today...is miss v's first birthday. seems like the years pass in the blink of an eye. the year seemed both slow and quick. her birth so unlike any other...her life unlike any other. her being unlike any other...a true blessing from above.

tomorrow...MM and I head out of town with some friends to head for coronation. I'll check back in then.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Because I love ya'll

Here is video from today :)

Nope, she isn't hurt...but her feelings were! the dang car totally knocked her down!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Midday giveaway!

Hey ya'll, I know lots of you are busy moms, so I thought you'd be interested in this giveaway at my friend's blog!  Check it out...she's giving away a busy mom's planner!  I'd love to win one, and am thinking of buying one if I don't!  so go over, check it out!

Friday, September 10, 2010

a giveaway from Alaska...

hey, check out my friend...doing a giveaway in honor of her recent move to ALASKA! See her blog HERE!

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Birthday wishes...to ME!

So yesterday was my birthday!  Oh yeah, I am 29....AGAIN!  So, in true "mom to many" style, I totally partied on my special day.  I clean and rearranged the closet!  Then, folded a BUNCH of clothes, then straightened the kitchen some...worked out with three friends, then went to a pop meeting!  Oh yeah, momma likes to rock it! LOL. 

And it was great...except for the chickens.  First let me say we have chickens...like 70 of them.  oh yeah...stinky, loud, obnoxious chickens.  They totally got out as I was trying to leave to head to curves!  Course, dad, who knows I hate the things, goes to yelling from the back of the house "if they dogs get near them, kill the dogs!" rather that actually heading out to do anything b/c he'd just gotten out of the shower...So I take the bb gun out to keep the dogs away...and the four bigger girls all tried to chase the chickens back into the yard.  So then I had to help.chase.chickens.  yeah, you read that right.  Me.  I.  Gen.  Chasing chickens.  What a MESS!  By the time they were back in the pen I was running late...and I wasn't happy!

So, all in all, a great birthday, great workout...and STUPID chickens!

Sunday, September 05, 2010

GTKY: under the sea

Now that you are singing, and i know you know the drill, here are the questions:

1. Do you like seafood?
I eat shrimp. That counts right? I like tilapia...sorta.
2. Are mermaids hot?
hotter than me. :D
3. Have you swam in the ocean?
No, but i've been in the gulf of mexico plenty!
4. If you got stung by a jellyfish, would you let a stranger pee on you?
5. Have you ever pee'd in the ocean?
I doubt it...since I've never been in the ocean!
6. Can you make a cute fish face? (Show a pic..if you want)
I can do a fish face...but you'll be breathing thru your gills before I post a pic!
7. When you see the lobster tank at the grocery store do you just have this overwhelming urge to set them free or cook them up?
Neither...I have the overwhelming desire to tap on the tank!
8. Are you afraid of sharks?
I have a healthy respect for them!

Now, head over to Keely's and link up with your answers!

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Sookie say WHAT?!?

You know Sookie right?  Oh, go on and admit it, you totally watched Gilmore Girls...and secretly knew one who was just like each crazy character.

Fine, so it's just me.  But let me tell you a story.  See, I'm a huge fan of Curves (please, pardon that long list of puns).  So my friend K owns curves...and her sister A works there.  K and A are a bit like Lorelai and Rory.  They, together, decided that I'm like Sookie.

So yeah, it's applicable. Then there is Jackson...who is married to Sookie. He's the vegetable guy...also applicable huh? check this out:

Yeah, that is pretty much us...Love this show.

So, Lorelai, Rory, and I went for coffee last night...a total reminder of how incredible Gilmore-ish we are! Now, just because I know you'll love it, a final look at Lorelai and Sookie...and no lie, this ACTUALLY happened with me...well, sorta. it wasn't 1 am, but I did the jiggle and all! Roughage!

Sookie Out!

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

honesty...no really!

So, we need a new home for our little dog.  Prissy.  The name fits, trust me!  Anyway, she dug into the chicken yard last night and killed at least one of the chickens...so now MM is ticked! I mean TICKED.  Wanted to kill her on the spot, which of course set me off.  (did i mention how honest this post would be?)  So I told him that he'd have to stay home to explain to the four year old why her dog was dead if he killed her.  He settled begrudgingly for the BB gun.  Yeah...long night.  So this morning, he tells me the dog has to be gone by end of week...or he'll be sure she is gone...kwim?

So, anyone want a dog?  She's a good girl, would be a great inside dog...really!  I'm gonna miss her...I'll prolly cry eventually!